Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Trust is a hard thing to do...

Recently we've had some big life changes and we have some really big decisions to make in the coming weeks (hopefully) and months. I've found myself to really be the control freak I wish I wasn't. This morning as I am having my quiet time I'm reminded that God is in control and he is taking care of me. I am reminded to trust him in all circumstances. (Proverbs 3:5, Deuteronomy 33:27 and Jeremiah 29:13-14)


Wow, that's the part that gets me. I find it much easier to trust him in the circumstances that suit me. Times when things are humming along just as they should be. Wow..to trust him in ALL circumstances is a little bit trickier.

So, that's what I'm praying for today. I'm praying that I will stop trying to work things out in my own small way. (Ecclesiastes 3:1) God's got a much bigger, grander view of my life and plans for me and my family that I couldn't possibly envision with my simple view. Thank you, God for this promise! I'm believing it and will try to put it into action by letting go of worry, stress, and anxiety. (John 16:33)

Wish me luck!!

Monday, September 13, 2010

You can learn a lot on a walk!

Several years ago I made a conscious effort to jumpstart my return to fitness. As anyone who has known me longer than 5 minutes knows, this is a common theme in my life. I try not to celebrate my successes too mightily or dwell on my struggles either. The pendulum will certainly continue to swing if I know me...Two of my girlfriends decided to join me in my efforts so we have formed a little group and we try to make it out several times a week. It's hard to plan on any given day as we have 9 kids between the three of us. We have a few other stragglers who will join us from time to time.

Along the way we have covered topics as far ranging as world peace, family squabbles (oh, Lord I could write a book on this one), school politics, husbands, recipes and we've even done a hair intervention. I won't elaborate but suffice it to say that our "friend" is now sporting the most wonderful non-grey highlights you've ever seen.

Anyway, it dawned on me that I've also come to know these women completely. I have learned so many things about their pasts, their present, their beliefs. What they hold dear. So, today I'm thankful for walking and friendships. Both of which have kept me sane.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Mexican food and other things I love...

So my husband thinks that the "other things" will be margaritas and chardonnay. Well, while I do love those things....I hope this blog serves the greater good. I hope to mention things that are really important. Things that matter. Things like friendships that last a lifetime. Things like my savior and God and his sacrifice for me. So, if things like mexican food, margaritas and chardonnay are the vehicle to this greater good then so be it!!! Who am I to stand in the way of this sort of thing. So today I'm learning how to use this blog and hoping that my later posts will be less about what I'm doing and more about what I'm thankful for, what I've experienced in my life and what I hope to see in the future! Happy Labor Day weekend. I hope your weekend is all that you want it to be!